Finally! I was feeling better. Not just better, but well! I was feeling ... full, complete, happy. I was sleeping better, and though I was growing by the day, I didn't feel too big or awkward. These feelings translated into a more normal me ... I was giggling and sometimes downright laughing at Rob's jokes again, and we were enjoying each other more (as made apparent by the lack of bickering).
During those first few weeks of the third trimester I often found myself enjoying all the aspects of pregnancy that I had fantasized about prior to being pregnant. The sense of fullness ... everywhere I went I got to carry with me this little creature, and every now and then this being would remind me that I wasn't alone. I remember thinking back to the second trimester, those first few weeks when I would lie in bed, desperately trying to find the baby gator's movement with my fingers even though I could feel it from within just fine. There was no more "trying" involved after a certain point. The kicks became occasionally visible in the middle of the second trimester, but by the time we reached the third trimester, watching my tummy was more interesting than even my favorite television shows.
I must have spent hours finding those little feet and tickling them ... Baby gator would alternate between pushing against my fingers or withdrawing deeper into my womb. By this time, it was known to me that when I would lie on my right side, the baby gator would kick and push against the bed (or massage table). The right side because from 21-week's gestation forward, baby gator was head down, facing to my right.
And so it was time to count down the weeks. My nesting instinct kicked in full force, and it was torturous waiting until 34 weeks for the baby shower. I wanted to get everything ready ... yesterday! Rob did his best to indulge me ... getting rid of furniture, buying new furniture, rearranging the new furniture, buying a new (used) car for the baby. We were in the thick of preparations ...
And then those good feelings of the third trimester turned into some frustrating weeks of nervous anticipation.
First, during week 28 I took my glucose tolerance test and the results came back high, indicating the possibility of gestational diabetes. I knew I was at risk for this due to the PCOS, but was really hoping to avoid being classified as a high risk (as this would "risk" me out of the Birth Center for delivery ... and I really wanted my water birth!). Testing high the first time meant I had to do another, more extensive test ... and frankly, it wasn't fun. The sugar drink made my head swim and my tummy upset, and I felt exhausted and woozy at the same time. Fortunately, the results came back within normal range, and that hurdle was dodged!
Week 32 came with some scares though. At our regular prenatal visit, we were measuring large ... again. This time, it was enough to cause concern, and the midwife prescribed another ultrasound. We were excited to have another ultrasound, but the idea of a large baby wasn't too thrilling given the risks to the baby ... not to mention my plans for a natural, vaginal delivery.
As it happened, the baby measured in the 64th percentile ... large, but definitely within normal limits. I happened to also have a lot of amniotic fluid, which was perhaps skewing the measurements a bit. Nothing to worry about we were told. The baby gator weighed approximately 4.5 pounds at that point.
Nothing to worry about until we started contracting ... again. Between 32 and 36 weeks, Rob and I spent a lot of time at the hospital doing fetal monitoring. At week 34, we went in with contractions (Braxtons) coming only 2-minutes apart, and had a positive fetal fibronectin test. The midwives were convinced I would deliver early... And, although we were concerned for the baby, we couldn't help but be excited that we might get our baby gator sooner rather than later ... After all the anticipation of being told we would probably deliver early, waiting was becoming an ever more burdensome job.
And then it was a torturous job as weeks 37 - 39 came and went ... bigger by the day, and the pregnancy itchies started. My belly and thighs and feet would itch and itch and itch ... so much so I'd have to get up in the middle of the night to scratch away until I could get the itchies to go away. I tried the salves they recommended, the vinegar and the calendula. Finally I got a prescription antihistamine that worked to ease the itchies and allowed me to sleep in peace.
Throughout these weeks Rob and I still ended up going to the hospital a few times for monitoring to make sure baby gator was handling things okay ... these trips were getting tiresome, each one ending with Rob telling me we were NOT going back to the hospital unless it meant the baby was coming ... ha!
Wednesday, week 39, I started contracting ... and contracting ... We thought "this is it!" I contracted steadily for hours and hours ... finally, we went to the Birth Center to get checked ... 3+ cm, they said ... and gave me some morphine to go home and sleep. No baby ... more pregnancy. And popsicles. Since we were SURE we were going into labor, I called into work and they took me off the schedule ... so I was stuck, at home, by myself, waiting for this little one to come. Friday we got to do the contractions all over again ... and again on Monday.
Finally, past my due date, I had to make up excuses to get out of the house, waddling through the grocery store and Babies R Us ... taking myself to see Julie & Julia ... desperate for the contractions to come ... and to bring baby gator with them!
Finally, Friday, week 40, we had an appointment with our midwife, who offered to break our water the next day in an attempt to induce labor, giving us our last shot before risking out of Birth Center for being too overdue ... us, the ones who weren't supposed to make it to week 35 ...
But we were SO EXCITED. Rob went to spend his last few hours at work before taking some paternity leave... I grinned from ear-to-ear as I went about my last chores before baby ... taking a swim, walking on the treadmill, taking all the homeopathic labor induction stuff ... All knowing that Saturday I would be going into labor, and one way or another, within 24-hours, our little one would be born!
It was TERRIBLE trying to sleep ... tossing and turning and itching and excited ...
And then it was morning.
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